Xylocarpus granatum  Koeg.
Xylocarpus granatum Koeg. 

Much branched, dark green, deciduous tree on the inter-tidal ridge forests and river banks 
Tree attain the height upto 20 m or more with smooth bark and dark foliage 
Trunk base with well developed buttresses but generally lacking aerial pneumatophores or root suckers 
Leaf compound, usually with 4 leaflets, opposite, superimposed or alternate, cauline, exstipulate, pedicellate 
Pedicel 0.7 cm long, terete, corky rough surface 
Lamina ovate-elliptic, entire, apex round or blunt, occasionally acute apex, cup-shaped, green, dorsiventral 
Dorsal surface green. glabrous and ventral surface light green whitish rough, unicostate, reticulate venation 
Inflorescence mixed, upto 6.0 cm long, spreading irregularly branched, without any well developed main axis; with ephemeral bracts, three flowers subtended by each such bracts, bracteoles smaller 
The terminal flowers female and lateral two are males 
Flowers irregular, tetramerous, erect, pedicellate 
Sepals 4, polysepalous, inferior, twisted, equal length, upper surface same leveled, sepals elliptic oblong, coriaceous, entire, acute, cupshaped, base smooth and slightly shiny, orange white, deciduous, alternate to epicalyx 
Petals 8, gamopetalous, globose tube, basal periphery larger than apical periphery, 8 apical short lobes, lobe blunt, thin, herbaceous, deciduous, valvate 
Stamens 8, epipetalous, attached at the notch of apical lobe, short filament 
Carpels 8, syncarpous, ovary superior, globose, 8 chambered, two ovules in each chamber, axile placentation 
Style 1, terminal, round, soft, gradually tapering 
Stigma 1, flat 
Fruit round spherical or globose with long woody stalk  

Economic Importance : Timber is reddish brown, hard and having anti-ant properties, therefore it is much used for carpentary work and boat building purposes. Bark has tannin properties.